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Atticus Finch Essay Atticus Finch Abraham Lincoln once stated, â€Å"You can't get away from the duty of tomorrow by sideste...

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Communication Theory Paper - 969 Words

Running head: COMMUNICATION THEORY PAPER 2 Communication Theory Paper Name University of Phoenix Communication Theory Paper 2 Communication is an important part and concern in many organizations. With many organizations having such a diverse workforce communicating has an impact on how well employees, patient and family members interact together. Many communication issues arise due to the fact that there are many employees from different cultures and different genders. These issues have an impact on how effectively tasks are done within the organization causing concerns with family members, patients and even coworkers. The different individuals that are from different cultures and genders have different ways on which†¦show more content†¦Females are already uncomfortable about having a male take care of them that by them being quite seems to make them more uncomfortable. Open communication between male employees, patients and family members can cause some concerns with the family member on how the quality of care is with their loved one due to them understanding and rel ating to the patient. This issue leads into another issue when it comes to the cultural difference among all involved. When individuals from different cultures work in a health care facility their communication skills have an impact on how much all individuals understand each other. Individuals from different cultures sometimes speak a different language, speak broken English or have a strong accent. With such a diverse workforce in healthcare the impact their communication skills have on coworkers and managers is not as bad as on family members, patients or caregivers. The facility has some coworkers and managers that are from different cultures so they tend to relate to their communication skills. However, for the coworkers and managers that are not from their culture they tend to stay away from or avoid communication with these employees due to the fact they can not understand their broken English, tone or body language. The different cultures have different ways of communicating so the individuals from these cultures are oftenShow MoreRelatedCommunication Theories Paper1190 Words   |  5 PagesCommunication theories paper Amanda Haring Com 310 â€Æ' Communication is defined as a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior. Communication helps us understand one another. (Communication, 2011). Communication is broken down into theories. Three examples of these theories would be the social penetration theory, cognitive dissonance theory and the uncertainty reduction theory. 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